Monday, May 23, 2011

Just another day :)

It's a hot one in Arizona today!  We had a fabulous weekend.  On Friday we went to Adam's softball game, then out to Sidelines for drinks and dinner after.  Adam's softball buddies are awesome and totally hilarious.  Adam is a very straight edged and serious, so it's nice to get around people who have the same smart ass sarcastic tendancies as I do!  Sidelines is fun, and kid friendly, with awesome food!  I always get fried mushrooms and potatoe skins.  They're fabulous!  Saturday I so desperatly wanted to sleep it, but nooo lol Adam got up at 8 and start fucking with me, which woke me up... At noon we went to Barro's Pizza for Bella's TBall party.  Michael and Jenny met us there, we enjoyed pizza and beer and watching the kids all get their pictures and trophys.  Bella is so proud of her trohpy, she carries it all over the place with her, and is constantly telling me how proud I am of her lol, only her!  We had a great season!  Next year, coach pitch!

After the party, we loaded up the 4 wheeler, the guns, the cooler, and headed out to the desert with Michael and Jenny for shooting and 4 wheeling.  We had a lot of fun, other than a few minor things which I wont get into.  After that we went to M & J's house for dinner and drinks.  We ended up sleeping over.  I love going over there, but holy crap their kids get up SO early!  Like, 6 am and shit, yikes!  Bella never gets up before 8:30 lol, so since we sleep on a matress in their living room, they all come in and out of the bedroom and bother us.  It's moments like that, that make me realize why I don't want anymore kids.  Mine is perfect, why ruin it with more? lol
Sunday we got up and came home.  I cleaned house, did laundry and picked up the dog shit while Adam cleaned the guns and Bella took a 3 hour nap (who could blame her, those damn kids woke her up at the ass crack).  Adam eventually came in and we watched the 2nd and 3rd Pirates movies.  I <3 Pirates!  Hopefully on Friday we'll go see it at the drive--in.  Maybe that and / or the 2nd Hangover!
Robin came and got her doggies today, they were with us for about 8 days.  Over all they were good dogs :) and we enjoyed having them.  Hoping in exchange we can get a weekend baby sitter one weekend as a repayment.  I think Robin will probably agree, so we'll see.  Adam and I are just in desperate need of an adult weekend!  Go to the club, have some fun! 
Saturday is our memorial day party.  We're looking at a nice little guest list, it should be fun!  We're going to make wings, pasta salad and jalapeno wraps.  Adam talked about getting a keg, we'll see if that actually happens.
Schools starts a week from tomorrow, it's going to be a busy 7 weeks, taking two 3 credit courses!  I'm looking forward to the challenge!
Welp, Adam and Bella are home and it's time to make dinner!

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