Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Boredom Depression?

My entire life I worked full time to take care of my daughter.  I've always had my own money & I felt like I had a little more meaning.  Don't get me wrong, I love Adam and I'm thankful everyday that he takes care of us, but I'm BORED!  The entire reason I am going back to school is because I'm so bored.  If I still had a full time Monday thru Friday making 16 dollars an hour, I wouldn't think twice about school.  I'm just emotional drained.  Moving to Mesa and returning to school is just what the doctor ordered b/c I don't know how long I can continue doing nothing.  I can only clean house so much before everything is clean... and most of you know I'm OCD about cleanliness anyway lol.  Anyway... I'm BORED!

Bella's last day at her school is Friday.  She's excited to go to a new school.  I'm thankful we're moving before she starts kindergarten.  I moved every year until I was 12 so I never felt at home with a school until we finally got to the Cheyenne Mnt district.  Everyone seems to hear "Mesa" and think "ghetto".  What they don't want to hear is that we're on the east side of Mesa, bordering Gilbert!  I love our new house & can't wait to make it a home.

I've done some Christmas shopping for Bella.  She's going to be so excited.  I think we;re going to get her a big doll house too.  She's been expressing how much she wants one a lot lately.  She deserves it!  I want to get Adam something but I'm pretty much broke :( so we agreed no gifts for anyone but Bella.  I just hope he keeps up his part of the deal or I'll feel bad!

I've got to make the rounds to all of Bella & I's doctors tomorrow & Friday and sign release forms so I can get hard copies of our medical records.  That's one thing I hate about moving, you have to change all the information that you've got. 

Welp, that's all for today.  It's lunch time and my hunnie is home!  Have a great day!

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